Brian Triplett

Full Stack Developer | Software Engineer

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  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Node
  • React
  • Python
  • Express
  • Vue
  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB

About Me

Brian-Triplett ~ $ whoami

I am a naturally curious person who has always had a love for trying new things. I enjoy spending time with friends and family and always down for cards. After more than a decade in logistics I decided to pivot to something I was more passionate about and haven't been happier since. I have always enjoyed technology and loved taking things apart as a kid to see how everything worked. I have been on a journey in software and web development for going on a year now. I am looking forward to continuously growing as a developer and excited to see what comes next.

Brian-Triplett ~ $



Merch is a dummy ecommerce website built with Vue, Express, and PostgreSQL. I always enjoy learning new things so I taught myself Vue while building this app. You can browse items, add / remove things from your cart, checkout and view past orders. I used pg-promise for the PostgreSQL interface as recommended by Express docs and wrote out the tables with a plain SQL file (pg-promise does not have any way of managing models).

demo credentials: username: brian, password: password

front-end repogithug logo backend repogithug logo
screenshot of merch

Expense Tracker

It's always a good idea to keep an eye on your expenses. This is why I wanted to create an expense tracker that would allow the user to add expenses into a variety of categories, as well as including their income. This app incorporates ChartJS so that you can get a visualization of where your hard earned money is being spent. This project was made by me and one other developer and was built using the MERN stack.

demo credentials: username: brianT, password: password

github repogithug logo
screenshot of expense tracker


This was a hackathon project that I completed with 3 other developers and one UX designer. Fetch is meant to be a place for pet owners to be able to find and save resources to help with caring for their pets. It was built with the MERN stack using SASS for styling. This was my first experience getting to work with a designer and was a lot of fun getting to bring someone elses ideas to life.

demo credentials: username: brian, password: 123

front-end repogithug logo backend repogithug logo
screenshot of expense tracker

Clowning Around

Clowning Around is the clown themed forum that you never knew you needed. This was a group project that was built with the git forking workflow. It is a full stack app that was created using the MERN stack. What started out as a joke ended up being one of the funnest project that I worked on. We were a team of 4 and got a lot of practice working in a group environment and troubleshooting each others code.

demo credentials: email:, password: demo

github repogithug logo
screenshot of clown forum app

Recipe Tracker

I learned to cook years ago and always enjoy finding new recipes to try out. I wanted to create an app that would allow me to keep track of all of my recipes. This is a full stack CRUD app that utilized bearer token authentication. Once the user has logged in they can start adding recipes to their collection. I also added a page to view all recipes to make it a little easier to demo. This project was built using HTML, CSS, and vanilla JavaScript.

demo credentials: username: demo, password: demo

github repogithug logo
screenshot of recipe tracker


My first project was the classic board game checkers. This app follows all the traditional rules of checkers including crowning kings, jumping multiple pieces in one turn and forced captures. This was a solo project built with HTML, CSS, and vanilla JavaScript. I have always loved board games and had a lot of fun finding different ways to solve problems while building this app.

github repogithug logo
screenshot of checkers app
